Friday, September 17, 2010

Challenge #12- Object love


This week's challenge is inspired by a personal frustration which I struggle with on a daily basis, the love humans have with physical objects. I've wanted to do an illustration like this for months now, but never got around to it. I challenge you to capture this concept anyway you choose. As an example I might consider, a man obsessively stroking his i phone, while staring at it with pure infatuation. There's a lot of ways you could visually go about this challenge, but when it's complete I want to powerfully read an affectionate emotion within your piece. Good luck, and like always I'm excited to see what you come up with!


1 comment:

  1. i totally feel this subject. i get so sentimental about objects that have memories, that i've collected alot of junk over the years. and i love love love old furniture. old broken bits of wood on the sidewalk draw me in like a magnet!

    unfortunately i'm working on thesis now, so my illustrations might have to be reduced to quick sketches of ideas til my time frees up. or maybe i can incorporate challenges with my school pieces?

    i hope it works out!! :)
