Saturday, September 25, 2010

Challenge #13: What does that mean?

Dear Holly,

This week I challenge you to find the most uncommon, unknown, word you can find in the dictionary, and illustrate it! You can either use the definition as inspiration for the content of the image, or make up your own definition based on how the word makes you feel! But the title of your image will be the word you have chosen.

Can't wait! Good luck!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Challenge # 12: Object Love the reveal

Dear Holly,

I have chosen to answer your challenge by illustrating the material object I love most! I reveal to you: Pandy.

Pandy is my favorite childhood toy. He has more personality then most people, and triggers many happy memories of intense playtime with my sister Lauren.
I tried to capture how alive he is to me... you know when you're acting with toys and you make them move, he's very mobile and when i think of him i think of something that can't sit still. his head has this way of stretching really high, making him look like he's in a different mood. and his body is so expressive. Hence the wild ink lines.

....omg i sound crazy.

I'll stop lol.

Thanks Holly, this was so fun.


thanks for the fun theme!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Challenge #12- Object love


This week's challenge is inspired by a personal frustration which I struggle with on a daily basis, the love humans have with physical objects. I've wanted to do an illustration like this for months now, but never got around to it. I challenge you to capture this concept anyway you choose. As an example I might consider, a man obsessively stroking his i phone, while staring at it with pure infatuation. There's a lot of ways you could visually go about this challenge, but when it's complete I want to powerfully read an affectionate emotion within your piece. Good luck, and like always I'm excited to see what you come up with!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Holly reveals challenge # 11- Secret Wish

I know this is early, but I've been excited to complete this challenge, I can finally paint!! The past three weeks have been hard, and realizing I didn't have the ability to illustrate made my situation worse. I felt very blue and pathetic and I may have started a few arguments that weren't necessary. I never realized that drawing and painting had control of my positive mental health. I know my temporary disability wasn't even close to those who loose their limbs and never get back full mobilization, I truly feel for them!

As for my challenge- The secret wish. I had three weeks to contemplate how I was going to solve this. Without giving away my secret wish, it's something I've obsessed about for the past year!! I can't get it out of my head as my mind doesn't focus anywhere else. Hint- It has nothing to do with fish! Any guesses?? I did my usual watered down acrylics, watercolour pencils and purchased an expensive illustration board. I worked big- approximately 16x20 because my fingers cant work small at the moment.

Thank you Jen... this was a beautiful challenge to celebrate the mobility of my hand!! Loved the concept and am happy with the final reveal :)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Open challenge: "Get Well Holly" results

Dear blog friends,

Thank you so much to those who participated in our first ever open challenge! All of the entries were fun and thoughtful and your time and interest is greatly appreciated!

drum role............

by Kyle Dumas. challenge accepted ;)

By John-Michael Goertz, lol... yes Holly count your blessings!! love the dark humor JM.

By Georges, 8 years old and so talented!
By Andrew Foerster, website for more cowboys and robots and monsters: check out his sculptures, they're adorable!

By Peter Goertz, facebook to more awesome 'around the world' works of art:
Peter you make me appreciate Microsoft Paint like never before.
This is Peter at Holly's grandma's house. Is that Holly passed out on the ground?! Are you not helping her?? ! lol. The nurse hat on the sun is brilliant. For those of you who havn't seen Peter's work, the sun gives the clue to the theme/ location of each image.

and lastly, a flash animation by ivan ha, apparently the original file of the girl running had much less clothing. Ivan had to reconstruct clothes for every frame! you're welcome holly :D

thankyou everyone!! looking forward to our next open challenge!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Dear Challengers!

Thank you dearly for submitting to the blog. It means a lot to Jen and I!! I’ve reviewed a few of them already and am very excited that our first open challenge was a success!! Hopefully a few more can be submitted before Friday :)

An update on the hand. I’m hoping the cast can come off on the 21st. I started using my fingers this week as they now have strength back. Unfortunately I can’t hold a pencil correctly, that’s my next goal. Wanting horribly to draw and paint again..
