Saturday, September 11, 2010

Open challenge: "Get Well Holly" results

Dear blog friends,

Thank you so much to those who participated in our first ever open challenge! All of the entries were fun and thoughtful and your time and interest is greatly appreciated!

drum role............

by Kyle Dumas. challenge accepted ;)

By John-Michael Goertz, lol... yes Holly count your blessings!! love the dark humor JM.

By Georges, 8 years old and so talented!
By Andrew Foerster, website for more cowboys and robots and monsters: check out his sculptures, they're adorable!

By Peter Goertz, facebook to more awesome 'around the world' works of art:
Peter you make me appreciate Microsoft Paint like never before.
This is Peter at Holly's grandma's house. Is that Holly passed out on the ground?! Are you not helping her?? ! lol. The nurse hat on the sun is brilliant. For those of you who havn't seen Peter's work, the sun gives the clue to the theme/ location of each image.

and lastly, a flash animation by ivan ha, apparently the original file of the girl running had much less clothing. Ivan had to reconstruct clothes for every frame! you're welcome holly :D

thankyou everyone!! looking forward to our next open challenge!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW everyone!! Thank you for posting these meaningful, and hilarious challenges. The effort is defiantly apparent. They made me smile and more importantly lightened up the mood of my stupid fall. Thank you all sooooo much!!! We will be doing this again, stay posted!!

    Holly :)
